Crowd management, passenger safety – course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for the training of masters, officers, ratings and other personnel on ro-ro passenger ships and on passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships in Regulation V/2, pa.4, 5 and 6 and Regulation V/3, pa.4, 5 and 6 and specified in the STCW Code Sections A-V/2 and A-Vl3, pa.1, 2, and 3.
Entry standards: There are no specific entry standards, for the training in this Model Course. However, all personnel having responsibilities on board must undertake training dependant on those duties and responsibilities as detailed in 1, 2, and 3 below.
1. Crowd management training is required for masters, officers, ratings and other personnel on ro-ro passenger ships and on passenger ships (STCW Code Section A- V/2 pa.1, and Section A-V/3 pa.1).
2. Familiarization training is required for masters, officers and other personnel assigned specific duties and responsibilities on ro-ro passenger vessels and on passenger vessels (STCW Code Section A-V/2 pa.2, and Section A-V/3 pa.2).
3. Safety training is required for personnel providing direct service to passengers in passenger spaces (STCW Code Section A-V/2 pa.3, and Section A-V/3 pa.3).
Duration: 1 (one) hour
Certification: Administrations shall ensure that documentary evidence of the training which has been completed is issued to every person found qualified under the provisions of Regulation V/2 for ro-ro passenger ships, or Regulation V/3 for passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ship.
Cost: 2 x 80 € Certificate issued by Slovene maritime administration 24,60 € not included.
Crisis management and human behaviour training including passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity – course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for the training of personnel aboard ro-ro passenger ships, and the training of personnel on and passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships as follows.
1 Ro-ro passenger ships The training for masters, chief mates, chief engineer officers, second engineer officers, and any person assigned immediate responsibility for embarking and disembarking passengers, loading, discharging or securing cargo, or closing hull openings, and any other person having a responsibility for the safety of passengers in emergency situations required by Regulation V/2, pa.7 and 8, of the STCW Convention, and specified in Section A-V/2 pa.4 and 5.
2 Passenger ships other than Ro-ro passenger ships The training for masters, chief mates and persons assigned immediate responsibility for embarking and disembarking passengers, including chief engineer officers, second engineer officers and any other person having responsibility for embarking and disembarking passengers and for the safety of passengers in emergency situations required by Regulation V/3 pa.7 and 8. of the STCW Convention and specified in Section A-V/3 pa.4 and 5.
A separate model course addresses crowd management, passenger safety and safety training for personnel providing direct services to passengers in passenger spaces.
Entry standards: There are no specific entry standards for the training in this Model Course. However, all personnel having specific responsibilities on board detailed in Section A-V/2 and Section A- V/3 pa: 4. and 5 must undertake this training.
Duration: 3 hours
Certification: Administrations shall ensure that documentary evidence of the training which has been completed is issued to every person found qualified under the provisions of Regulation V/2 or Regulation V/3 as appropriate.
Cost: 2 x 80 € Certificate issued by Slovene maritime administration 24,60 € not included.